Ambassador for this local product
Every two years a new asparagus queen is crowned at the opening of the Terlano asparagus season. Until 2023 asparagus queen Magda Lena Runer represents the asparagus triangle Terlano-Vilpiano-Settequerce and Terlano asparagus at events at home and abroad.
As a child she learned to appreciate and love royal vegetables. The 22-year-old was out in the fields a lot at an early age, and the asparag,us theme wasn't just a theme for her i,n the spring - as her father, Klaus Runer, was himself an asparagus farmer and president of Terlano's asparagus growers. This closeness to nature and the importance of exchanging ideas with others still characterize her today.
Her medical studies led Magda to Graz, her next stop will be Linz, but she is proud of the proximity to her homeland. For this reason, as the queen of asparagus, she is happy to be so strongly linked to Terlano even from afar.

Bozner sauce
with the
South Tyrolean
seal of quality

What would be the Terlan asparagus without its typical sauce?
The full-flavoured addition to the royal vegetable has a longstand tradition, which goes back almost as long as the consumption of asparagus in Terlan and was invented decades ago in the former guesthouse “Huber Schwarz” in Terlan. The quality of the eggs is very important for the taste of the Bozner sauce. For this reason the asparagus hosts use only free-range and organic eggs with the South Tyrolean seal of quality for the preparation of Bozner sauce.
The Schlernhof cooperative (Kastelruth) and the Eggerhof (Aldein) are the egg producers with the South Tyrolean seal of quality.
for the
Asparagus Queen

The goldsmith Hansjörg Kerschbaumer of Terlan took 70 hours to create the crown of the Asparagus Queen. The Queen's shining sign of distinction is made of silver and decorated with a golden "Margarete" emblem, several pearls and a stone. It was commissioned and donated by the founder of the Terlan Asparagus Season, the unfortunately deceased Helmut Huber.
In 2007, Gaby Puff was the first asparagus queen to be crowned with the precious jewel. Since then, every new asparagus queen is delighted to be able to adorn herself with the crown.
support from
Raiffeisen Etschtal

For years, the Raiffeisenkasse Etschtal has actively supported the Terlan asparagus season.
The realization of the various culinary events around the Terlaner Spargelzeit would not have been possible without the support of the Raiffeisenkasse Etschtal.